Blogs — Loop & Knot

Have you been ghosting your cravings for too long?

Have you been ghosting your cravings for too long?

Cravings can be a bit of a chameleon, from sweet and salty to sour and savory, it changes with your hormones or mood fluctuations too. Each type can be a clue to what your body is really after.

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Choosing the Perfect Eye Gummies: A Buyer's Guide for Enhanced Vision

Choosing the Perfect Eye Gummies: A Buyer's Guide for Enhanced Vision

We totally get it – whether you're a bookworm, a gamer, a social media scroller, or just someone living in the modern world, you and your eyes are inseparable from your screens. But guess what? Those screens can be a real pain in the eyes, quite literally! Did you know that a staggering 60% of us experience digital eye strain? Yep, that's more than half of us! But don't worry, you're not alone in this eye-opening (pun intended) revelation. We've all been there, squinting at our screens, rubbing our tired eyes, and hoping for some magic to happen. Now, let's...

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Beauty & Brain Benefits of Incorporating Wholefoods in your Diet

Beauty & Brain Benefits of Incorporating Wholefoods in your Diet

Did you know that including wholefoods into your diet can have incredible benefits for both your beauty and brain? Research shows that wholefoods are packed with essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, making them a powerhouse for your overall health. By including them into your diet, you can nourish your body from within and experience a radiant glow and enhanced cognitive function. But, before we dive in, let us actually understand what makes whole foods different and are such a topic of discussion now.    Think of when you go out on a grocery run: you want to treat yourself to something...

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Where Passion Meets Experience: Our Journey at Loop & Knot

Where Passion Meets Experience: Our Journey at Loop & Knot

Welcome to Loop & Knot, where we're on a mission to make plant-based goodness as easy as a Sunday picnic! Join us as we spill the beans on our wellness journey and what makes us tick. A Cohesive Journey of Passion: Picture this: a real-life family, sharing meals and dreams. That's us! With Mr. Dipal Palkhiwala’s decades of technical expertise, and Anushree’s marketing and digital savvy skills along with Shreeraj Palkhiwala's food technology and innovation skills, we're a power-packed trio. We're all about spreading the word on mindful lifestyle choices and living our best plant-powered lives. We're in this together!...

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