Basic Smoothie with Banana & Peanut Butter (Using Complete Health Shake Chocolate Ganache)

Basic Smoothie with Banana & Peanut Butter (Using Complete Health Shake Chocolate Ganache)

What if we told you, this is a delicious, nutrient-rich, and not-so-basic Basic Smoothie!

This is a simple recipe with simple ingredients that are superfood level nutritious too.


  • 1 sachet Complete Health Shake
  • Half ripe banana
  • Peanut butter


  • Take a half ripe banana & cut it
  • Add a glass of chilled water to it
  • Add 2 tbsp peanut butter 
  • Empty the complete health shake sachet in the mix
  • Add the mix to the blender & blend it all together
  • Empty your delicious smoothie into a glass & sprinkle some cacao powder on top
  • Enjoy!

To Watch the recipe on YouTube CLICK HERE !

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